Working with Hypnotherapy: How to Heal Mind and Body with Self-Hypnosis (Book Review)


Working with Hypnotherapy: How to Heal Mind and Body with Self-Hypnosis by Teresa Moorey, Godsfield Press, RRP $15.00 Self-hypnotism and Hypnotherapy are both highly influential methods of healing physical and emotional personal issues. In her latest book Teresa Moorey will teach you the basic tools of self-hypnosis to use in self-treating weight-gain, nervousness, and stress. The reader will find her …

The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions (Book Review)

The-Balance-Within: The Science of Connecting Health and Emotion

The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions by Esther M. Sternberg, Times Books, RRP $17.00 Any one who is a long-term sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis will find the practical descriptions and connection with stress, emotional responses and the immune system both educational and beneficial. This book will give the reader a fresh perception on the arthritic condition and …

Fix Your Life with NLP (Book Review)

Fix your Life with NLP

Fix Your Life with NLP by Alicia Eaton, Simon & Schuster, 334 pages, RRP $27. The author likens NLP to anti virus software for the mind, explaining that NLP can be used to clear out unwanted information in your mind. Fix your Life with NLP is split into two sections – the first explaining how our minds work and why …

I Can Make You Happy (Book Review by yHypnosis)

Paul-McKenna, Hypnotherapist

I Can Make You Happy by Paul McKenna, Bantam Press, RRP $23.00 Do you suffer with depression, have you tried many councillors and doctors without much success? Paul McKenna’s book and CD, I Can Make You Happy will transform your life and provide the reader with positive, tangible results you want today. Self-hypnosis gives you a sense of control and …

Self Hypnosis New Tools for Deep and Lasting Transformation (Book Review)

Self Hypnosis New Tools for Deep and Lasting Transformation

Self-Hypnosis: New Tools for Deep and Lasting Transformation by Dr Adam Burke, Crossing Press RRP $15.00   Self-Hypnosis: New Tools for Deep and Lasting Transformation written by Adam Burke is an easy yet authoritative resource for self-transformation. This all-inclusive guide makes sense of the secrets of your mind.  It explores how to utilise the practice and methodologies of self-hypnosis and incorporate …

Self Change Hypnosis (Book Review by yHypnosis)

Self Change Hypnosis

Self-Change Hypnosis by Richard MacKenzie, Trafford Publishing. 139 pages. Self-Change Hypnosis written by Richard MacKenzie gets to the point quickly and gives the reader genuine practical advice and techniques on using the power of your mind. Anyone who is truly interested about making a change for the better should read Self-Change Hypnosis.   It is written in a plain english, easy …

The Psychic Way: Fine-tuning your Intuition (Book Review)

The-Psychic-Way, fine tuning your intuition

The Psychic Way; Fine-tuning your Intuition The Psychic Way: Fine-tuning Your Intuition by Barbara Ford-Hammond, 6th Books, RRP $19.95 The Psychic Way can really help the reader with their own personal psychic development. It is easy to understand and enjoyable to read and will leave you wanting to read more by this author. Barbara’s personality comes out in this lovely …

New Age Hypnosis (Book Review)

New Age Hypnosis

New Age Hypnosis by Dr Bruce Goldberg, Llewellyn Publications, 224 pages.  RRP $15.00 In New Age Hypnosis by Bruce Goldberg the reader will find out hypnosis is a normal and resourceful state of the mind in which we can be in touch with our higher self.  Tthe author explains that hypnosis can be used to develop one’s soul to a …

Instant Self Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open (Book Review)

Instant Self Hypnosis - Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open (Book Review)

Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open by Forbes Robbins Blair, Sourcebooks Inc.   Instant Self-Hypnosis:  How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open is divided over three parts for anyone to use to self-hypnosis and get you into a trance state of mind.   Part two has over 30 scripts that will help you sort out everyday …

Imagine Yourself Well: Better Health through Self-Hypnosis (Book Review)

hypnosis book review: imagine yourself well

Imagine Yourself Well: Better Health through Self-Hypnosis by Sean & Reid Kelly, Perseus Publishing. Imagine Yourself Well: Better Health through Self-Hypnosis ain excellent resource on hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Self Hypnosis is fast becoming a popular method and alternative approach for the treatment for many health related problems.  Self  Hypnosis and the techniques involved can be used by health care providers …

Teach Yourself Hypnotherapy for a Better Life (Book Review)

Book: Teach Yourself Hypnotherapy for a Better Life

Teach Yourself Hypnotherapy for a Better Life by Tig Calvert, Hodder Education, Book RRP $23.00 If you want to teach yourself Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis), author Dr. Tig Calvert will make you feel like you are in total control with her book “Teach Yourself Hypnotherapy for a Better Life”. Its goal is to help you solve issues that until now you thought …