Free yourself from Facebook Addiction – hypnosis mp3 download
Self hypnosis mp3 download for defeating addiction to social media. “Free yourself from facebook addiction” by Andrew Scarfe.
Free yourself from Facebook addiction
Self Hypnosis can free you from needing to constantly check facebook for updates and help you focus on more important things.
Do you feel uneasy or lost without your smartphone? Do you fear that you’re missing out as soon as you step away from your computer or logoff facebook? Do you wake up in the morning and check facebook before you even get out of bed to see what updates have been posted while you have been asleep?
If your news feed hasn’t had an update since the last time you checked facebook do you feel frustrated? Or compelled to post something just to get things going?
Social media sites have exploded in the last few years. Not so long ago, written letters were the primary form of communication between extended networks of people, and communication happened slowly, taking days or weeks. Phone calls to friends were a convenient way of keeping in touch, but you could only talk to one friend at a time. Facebook has changed all that, with the ability to instantly send out a message to hundreds of people with a single click. It has changed the way we communicate with extended groups of friends and family, play games, share photos and video. With facebook available from the computer, notebooks, ipads and smartphones, its convenience means you can use facebook from wherever you are.
Social media has good benefits, its easy to communicate with people, lots of people, quickly. However, it can also “suck you in” and take over your life.
Social Media and Facebook can be addictive.
Many people believe “addiction” means some kind of substance abuse (eg. alcohol or drugs), where a person gets drawn into repeatedly taking or eating or drinking something. Addiction is not only when you are taking something, it is also when you are doing something. The way facebook gives you quick bits of information frequently, and people can reply quickly, can lead to the impulse to constantly check for updates.
Facebook feeds our desire to feel connected to those we like and love, to be popular, and to get lots of attention. We all like to feel involved with social groups, to be included in jokes and updates about what is happening in people’s lives. Because the people you are networked with on facebook can post updates, share posts, write on your wall or even give you a poke at any time of the night or day, there may be an update just seconds after the last tme you looked. When someone comments or likes your post or your picture or even a page that you liked, you feel a closer connection to that person.
If you check your news feed and don’t see any updates since the last time you looked, do you post something in the hope of getting a quick response? Do you find yourself checking every few minutes to see if anyone has commented on your post? Do you suspect you have a facebook addiction?
So what’s wrong with addiction to Facebook?
If you are feeling that you must check facebook rather than engage with your family, or if you are out at a gathering of people but are checking facebook status updates rather than forgetting about facebook and interacting with the people around you, or if you are at a table eating a meal with someone but ignore them to check your facebook page, then it’s time to take action.
If you feel anxious when you’re not ableto check facebook updates, or feel stressed about finding something to post on facebook, then you have come to the realisation that you’re in a place that’s not as healthy as it could be.
If time spent on facebook is taking priority over spending time with friends and family, or taking time that you could be spending on more important things, then taking steps to get it under control is a good thing.
But changing the habit of facebook addiction, as everyone who has any kind of addiction knows, can be challenging. How do you get it under control so it’s not ruling your life?
Hypnosis is the easiest way to break facebook addiction
Free yourself from Facebook Addiction is a self hypnosis MP3 download developed by specially trained hypnotherapists to help you take control of your life. Keeping online activities such as facebook as one way of socialising instead of the main way of socialising can be accomplished.
Hypnosis works by re-programming your subconscious mind and is a relaxing activity that is quite quick to do. Repeatedly listening to the hypnosis session strengthens your inner resolve to achieve the changes you want to make.
You will begin to notice the following changes:
- You are able to set your own limits on the amount of time you spend on Facebook
- You feel free to engage in a wide variety of social activities and only check facebook occasionally
- You no longer feel compelled to check facebook
- You feel that facebook is less important than other social activities
- You do not need to log onto facebook as often as you used to and can go long periods of time between logging on
- You seek out more real life experiences and enjoy them more
Download Free yourself from Facebook Addiction and take control of your life back.
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Free yourself from Facebook Addiction
Narrator: Andrew Scarfe