New Age Hypnosis (Book Review)

New Age Hypnosis

New Age Hypnosis

by Dr Bruce Goldberg, Llewellyn Publications, 224 pages.  RRP $15.00

In New Age Hypnosis by Bruce Goldberg the reader will find out hypnosis is a normal and resourceful state of the mind in which we can be in touch with our higher self. 

Tthe author explains that hypnosis can be used to develop one’s soul to a higher spiritual level.

In New Age Hypnosis you will discover what hypnosis is all about, gain an understanding of the principles of  induction techniques as well as a number of useful hypnosis methods developed by the author.

Chapter 2 explains hypnotic trance states and outlines a Superconscoius Mind Exercise for readers to practice.

Chapter 3 discusses The Hypnotic Environment, and how to create an environment conducive to hypnosis.

Chapter 4 explains various states of mind and brainwaves and Emile Coue’s three laws of hypnosis.

Outlined in Chaper 5 are Induction Techniques.  In this chapter, he explains 9 different induction techniques:  Eye Fixation Induction, Eye Fixation and Progressive Relaxation Induction, Progressive Relaxation Induction, Hand Clasp Induction, Hand Tingling Induction, Eye Opening and Closing Induction, Arm Levitation Induction, Sound Inductions, Sanctuary Induction.

Chapter 6 covers Deepening Techniques.

Chapter 7 details How to Overcome Resistance.

This book is ideal for anyone seeking a more advanced level of knowledge where you will find out what you need to know about self-improvement, spiritual growth, or how you can learn to help others by becoming a professional hypnotherapist.

Available for Kindle download from Amazon: 

Dr. Bruce Goldberg, author

Dr. Bruce Goldberg, author


“Believe it or not, you spend seven hours of every twenty-four-hour day in a state of natural hypnosis”

(Dr Bruce Goldberg)

About the author: 

Qualified in Hypnosis since 1975 by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Dr. Bruce Goldberg also holds a B.A. degree in Biology and Chemistry, is a Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, and has a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology.

He has written several books